Sunday 14 June 2020

Online Education - Advantage & Disadvantage

With the advent of technology, a student in any part of the world can consume knowledge irrespective of the political boundary, at his own time and place of convenience. Wikipedia sees a footfall of billions of students/enthusiasts from all over the globe yearly. Most of the popular content sharing platforms are open source and free example YouTube. Online education was a distant concept just a decade ago, today it's a multi billion dollar industry. University assessments and examinations in many developed countries are done only over the internet through online medium. 

This medium of knowledge transfer is becoming popular day by day, So it's imperative to assess this medium. Accessible internet connections and cheap mobile data has contributed immensely to this popularity. It empowers both the learner and the educator. Online education bridges the gap of unequal access to educational resources. A student can learn a subject from a top educator from a renowned school/university, over the internet. That student may not have the access to that quality of world class teaching in his classroom. Also an educator can reach any number of students online, which is not bounded by the physical size of this classroom. But there are some pitfalls as well. It requires a higher degree of discipline from the student and dedication. The internet is like an open ocean, it is very easy to get lost in this vastness. Students with conviction and proper vision can only benefit from the large volume of online knowledge. Online education lacks the interaction of a physical classroom, most of it is a monologue. Invigilation and proper tracking of a student is a bit challenging as of today. But this medium has all the promises of bringing the light of knowledge and wisdom to all the students of the globe.

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